Competition Mindset

Slow Down to Speed Up: How Taking a Moment to Rest Can Boost Your Riding Success

Take your foot off the gas – just for a moment. 

With the arrival of spring, we finally catch a glimpse of the longer days, heat from the sun and an overall feeling of increased energy. Anticipation of upcoming competitions, goals, and aspirations for the year can send us into overdrive. Do you tend to go into a state of “pedal to the metal” coming out of winter?

In the moments when you feel you are headed into overdrive, catch yourself and lift the foot off the gas - just for a moment. I promise, you will still get to where you are going.

Entering into this state can be helpful if you are a burst and rest energy type. However, the danger lies in remaining in this state permanently. It has no sustainability for long-term competition success. Perpetual overdrive leads us to burnout and it also has a negative effect on how our horses respond to us.

Two things I make time for when I feel like I am flooring it a little too hard:

  • Extra grooming time – Set aside some extra time to bathe a yellowing tail on your grey horse or apply some mane maintenance on Fabio’s luscious locks. Pick something that needs to be done but forces you to slow down a little     

  • Turn a training day into a walk day – If you feel like you’re in an overdrive state of mind, choosing to train the small nuances with a horse usually ends up going down the rabbit hole of no return. We can often get stuck picking the wrong battle and getting little accomplished. The end result is rarely a happy horse or rider. Take that training ride time and switch it to an active outdoor walk with your horse.  Active, forward-moving walks over a long duration are great for fitness as all the muscles need to activate and work synergistically.

Happy Riding!


barrel racing

Outdoor workouts in southern Alberta for your horse

Remember it is the small shifts in our mental state that set us up for long lasting change!

Training Tip: Outside Posting Diagonal


Outdoor Workouts for Horses: Boost Your Fitness Routine & Build Resilience